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Expressing unwavering solidarity with armed forces, analysts urge government to take severe action against perpetrators involved in recent violent acts regardless of their political background
May 15, 2023

Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst) Whatever happened in the country in the last few days, every patriotic Pakistani is concerned about it. The provoked people attacked the armed forces institutions, looted and destroyed the historic buildings. In response, the security forces and the government showed tremendous patience. The enemy of Pakistan wanted the government, Askari forces and the nation to come face to face. The prevailing condition may lead to civil war, martial law and even economic collapse. But the forces and the government expressed extreme maturity to handle the situation. However, the security forces and the government warned that if such an act happens in future there will be a strong response against it. The Supreme Court in its hearing today categorically stated the efforts are being made to create misunderstanding among the institutions. The PTI did not follow the ethics of politics and ethics of the peaceful protest. All the culprits involved in the violent acts must be punished according to the law.

Brig (Retd) Said Nazir (Defense Analyst) As far as recent crises are concerned it is continuing for the last one year. Things are being manipulated and misinformation is being generated within and from outside Pakistan. Pak Army always remained the centre of gravity of the existence of Pakistan but the enemy of the country always wanted to target the security institution. Pak Army clearly stated that even the enemies of Pakistan could not do with the state institution what a particular political party has done. The after­math of Imran Khan's arrest witnessed a wave of attacks on the army's properties and instal­lations, accompanied by anti-army slogans by the activists. Intentionally a situation was created to invite the army’s response for nefarious political purposes but the Army expressed restraint. Those who were involved in facilitat­ing, planning and political instigation must be identified and strict action shall be taken against them according to the law.

Dr Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst)  Pakistan Army is among the most capable forces in the world and is the most patriotic organization in the country. It was the security forces of Pakistan that defeated the menace of terrorism from the country that no other country can do. The culprits involved in efforts to malign the security forces of the country must be dealt with iron hands. The anarchy and chaos created by a political party is part of the anti-Pakistan agenda. The nation always stood by with the armed forces. We must respect our armed forces as our armed forces have a zero tolerance policy on the territorial integrity of Pakistan. The parliament also passed a resolution to express solidarity with the armed forces. There must be swift and impartial investigation into these violent incidents and severe action must be taken against them.