Saturday, 27 July 2024, 06:28:57 am

Govt making all out efforts to ensure safe return of Pakistani students from Bishkek:

Engineer Amir Muqam (Minister for Kashmir Affairs & GB):

There is no doubt that not only the Pakistani students but their parents were also worried about the situation in Bishkek. It was a tragic incident that erupted in Kyrgyzstan. But the way it was projected by some social media elements, the ground realities are totally against the projections. Some students got injured in the tragic incidents in Bishkek. The government is making all out efforts to ensure the safe return of Pakistani students from Bishkek. The Kyrgyz government has ensured to provide complete security to the students. I would like to request the social media elements not to politicize the issue as the parents of the Pakistani students are in the state of frustration.