Monday, 17 June 2024, 09:08:08 am

India will not resolve Kashmir issue through dialogues

The people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir have been suffering from Indian atrocities for the last 76 years and Pakistan always stood by the Kashmiris brethren in crucial times. Pakistan and India have already fought a few wars over the Kashmir dispute. The human rights violations in IIOJ&K needs serious attention of the world community. India had never moved an inch and revoked the article 35-A and 370 in effort to change the dynamics of the occupied valley. Despite the Indian brutal acts, the Kashmiris are determined to get rid of illegal Indian occupation and continue to get their right to self-determination. Pakistan will continue its political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmiri people till the Kashmiris get their right of plebiscite. After 5th August, the Modi regime is trying to control the situation in the occupied valley but unable to do so. The economy and culture of Kashmir has been destroyed by Indian occupied forces. The Indian Supreme Court has also endorsed the illegal move of the Indian government as far as abrogation of articles 35-A and 370 are concerned. We should not hope for the flexibility from the Indian government to resolve Kashmir issue through dialogue.