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Indian colonial measures can’t change Kashmir’s disputed nature: APHC
January 27, 2023

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In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference has said that no amount of Indian brutalities or colonial measures can change the internationally-recognized disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir.  

According to Kashmir Media Service, the APHC spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said, Kashmir is under Indian military siege and the continued Indian state terrorism and injustice facing the Kashmiris is an eye-opener for the entire world community.

The statement said that India’s actions like turning IIOJK into a garrison, arresting hundreds of youth, search operations and frisking and putting barricades on roads speak volumes about New Delhi’s moral and legal position in the occupied territory.

Meanwhile, massive protest demonstrations were held across Britain, marking India’s so-called Republic Day as Black Day.  Kashmiris, members of Sikh community, and their allies participated in the protest demos, pressing the UK government to intervene to halt the ongoing genocide in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The demonstrations were held outside the Indian High Commission in London and Indian Consulate in Birmingham.

The Kashmir Council Europe also organized a protest camp in front of EU foreign ministry in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.  The protest was led by KC-EU Chairman Ali Raza Syed while the participants holding placards called for freedom of the Kashmiris from the Indian occupation.