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IIOJK: APHC welcomes appointment of General Sahir as CJCSC & General Asim as COAS
November 26, 2022

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, All Parties Hurriyat Conference has welcomed the appointment of General Sahir Shamshad Mirza as Pakistan’s new Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and General Asim Munir as Chief of Army Staff.

In a statement in Srinagar, the APHC spokesman thanked Pakistan for its continued moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmiris in their struggle for right to self-determination.

He urged India to take steps to settle the Kashmir dispute as per the United Nations resolutions for durable peace in the region.

Meanwhile, Wariseen Shuhada-e-Jammu and Kashmir pasted posters on pillars, electricity poles and walls in different areas of the territory containing pictures of Pakistan’s newly appointed Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and Chief of Army Staff.

The Hurriyat leadership and people of Kashmir greeted the new military leadership of Pakistan, saying a strong Pakistan is essential for the success of Kashmir freedom movement.