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Ashrafi calls for establishment of Int’l tribunal to probe Israel’s war crimes
December 20, 2023

Prime Minister’s Special Representative for Religious Harmony Hafiz Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi has called for the establishment of an international tribunal to probe Israel’s war crimes.

He made the demand while addressing a conference in Islamabad on the current situation in Palestine and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi said the United Nations should take immediate steps in this regard as it is the unanimous demand of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to hold Israel accountable for the war crimes it is committing in Palestine.

Tahir Ashrafi, who is also Pakistan Ulema Council’s Chairman, said the people all over the world irrespective of their religious backgrounds were condemning Israeli brutalities on Palestinians.

He said Israel is an occupier, oppressor, and aggressor. He said Pakistan supports a solution of the conflict as per the aspirations of the Palestinian people.