Sunday, 16 February 2025, 04:45:29 am

Over 40,000 Sikhs vote in Khalistan Referendum in Italy
May 09, 2022

In Italy, a record-breaking number of Sikhs turned up for the Khalistan Referendum voting campaign in Brescia for the creation of an independent Khalistan state and secession of Punjab from India.

40,000 Sikh men and women answered calls by the pro-Khalistan advocacy group, Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) to cast their votes for the voting process.

Sikhs movement for Khalistan has its roots in India’s June 1984 military action called Operation Blue Star which was launched against the Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Thousands of Sikh pilgrims were massacred by the security forces and consequently resulting in the assassination of the-then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on October 31 followed by genocidal violence against Sikhs across India.