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APHC condemns fresh arrest spree by Indian forces in IIOJK
April 07, 2024

In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, All Parties Hurriyat Conference has strongly condemned fresh spree of crackdowns and arrests unleashed by the Indian forces ahead of the Indian Lok Sabha elections.

APHC spokesman Abdul Rashid Minhas in a statement in Srinagar expressed serious concern over the victimization of common people during cordon and search operations and house raids across the Kashmir valley and parts of the Jammu region.

The APHC appealed the UN Human Rights Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other world bodies to send their fact-finding teams to take stock of the grave human rights situation in the occupied territory.

The APHC-AJK chapter has said India’s continued military and police terrorism cannot suppress the Kashmiris' struggle for their right to self-determination.

In a statement in Islamabad, the APHC-AJK said India has actually converted the occupied territory into a military garrison.

Meanwhile, despite unprecedented restrictions imposed by the Narendra Modi-led Hindutva regime on Shab-e-Qadr, thousands of devotees observed it with religious zeal and fervor.

The occupation regime sealed Srinagar’s central Jamia Masjid with heavy forces deployed outside the mosque.