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IIOJK: Indian troops martyred 913 children during past 34 years
June 04, 2023

(File photo)

Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism martyred 913 children in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir during the past 34 years.

A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, on Sunday, revealed that 913 children were among the 96,199 Kashmiris martyred by the troops from January 01, 1989 till date.

The report said that the killing of civilians rendered 107,903 children orphaned.

Thousands of people including boys and girls were injured in firing of the pellets, bullets and teargas shells by Indian troops during the period.

Hundreds including teenagers Hiba Jan, Shahid Fayaz, Owais Ahmed and Faizan Ashraf Tantray lost eyesight in their one or both eyes after 2010 uprising.

Hundreds of boys as well as girls aged below 19 were martyred during cordon and search operations and fake encounters, while a large number of boys are facing illegal detention under black laws.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference in a statement issued in Srinagar called upon the United Nations, human rights and child protection organizations to come forward and save the Kashmiri children from being victim of the Indian state terrorism.

Meanwhile, National Conference President Farooq Abdullah talking to media persons in Srinagar, today, said that the situation in Kashmir will never improve until India and Pakistan resolve the future of the territory through dialogue.