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4th Speakers conference concludes after adoption of Antalya declaration
March 26, 2021

The conference of speakers of Parliaments of China, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey held in Turkey has recognised Pakistan’s principled position on Jammu and Kashmir dispute in line with the United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The Speaker of National Assembly Asad Qaiser led a Parliamentary delegation to participate in the fourth Speakers Conference on “Countering Terrorism and Strengthening Regional Connectivity” in Antalya.

The declaration adopted by the six countries stressed the need for all states to avoid politicization of Financial Action Task Force, a tactic that India continuously employ against Pakistan.

The Antalya Declaration also adopted Pakistan’s iteration that COVID-19 vaccines must be made affordable for the peoples of the developing countries so as to ensure access of vulnerable populations to vaccines.

It also noted that for ensuring global and regional peace and stability, all outstanding issues in the region, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, need to be resolved in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions.

At the Conference, the Speaker Asad Qaiser highlighted that connectivity is the foundation stone of regional integration and cooperation.