Monday, 17 June 2024, 01:37:57 pm

China lauds support expressed by Pakistan on Coronavirus outbreak
February 03, 2020

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing has assured to fully look after each and every Pakistani national in China faced with the challenge of coronavirus.

Addressing a joint news conference along with Special Assistant on National Health Services Dr Zafar Mirza, he said we are treating Pakistani friends as our own people.

The Ambassador said that Pakistani government, foreign office and its embassy in Beijing are in constant touch with us to address the difficulties faced by Pakistani community.

The Chinese Ambassador was appreciative of the support and solidarity expressed by Pakistani leadership and people with China in this hour of trial.

Yao Jing said the Chinese government has taken a series of measures including restriction on the movement of the people to contain the virus. He said the Chinese government has the determination to overcome this plague.

In his remarks, Dr. Zafar Mirza said the flight operation between Pakistan and China resumed today. He said we have made elaborate arrangements at the airports to ensure proper screening of the passengers coming from China.

The Special Assistant said necessary barriers have been created to keep Pakistan safe from this virus.

The Special Assistant said Pakistan has got the ability to diagnose the coronavirus with the arrival of coronavirus kits from some countries. He said we had kept seven Pakistani and Chinese nationals under observation and we have checked their samples by using these kits which have proved that they are not affected by the virus.

About the four Pakistanis affected by the virus in China, the Special Assistant said that they are gradually recovering.

