Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 07:45:23 am

Int’l Conference on Female Education a significant step: Dr Raghib Naeemi
January 11, 2025

  1. (Religious Scholar): The International Conference on Female Education is very significant because our religion advocates education for everyone irrespective of gender. Muslim women earned immense fame by getting education even in initial times. The religious scholars must highlight the need of the woman education through mass awareness campaigns from Masajid and Madaris. In this regard, the religious scholars must use all the available resources and platforms. I think that  clerics and  leaders of the religious segments of the society must come up with a clear cut statement on female education to  sensitize and motivate people with  lesser education and resources to push their female children towards education.




Dr Aneeqa Banu (Educationist):  Gender parity is the biggest hurdle in the spread of female education. Moreover cultural social values also hinder women education. Parents feel scared of sending their girls to schools and colleges fearing that they may be spoiled. We must sensitize our men folk that we can’t overcome social economic challenges without imparting education to our girls and women. Indonesia, Turkey and some developed Muslim countries are also prioritizing female education to for socio economic uplift. Afghanistan was also doing well in this field but the current Afghan administration is imposing restrictions on female education. So far as legislation on female education is concerned, I think that we need appropriate implementation of existing laws regarding women education.